On the 15th April 2020, we have submitted our feedback to the Commission’s Roadmap on the 2030 Climate Target Plan and related inception impact assessment. The challenge of increasing the pace of the energy transition will be even greater, at a time when national authorities are struggling to address the critical economic consequences of Covid-19. Hence, we are convinced that it is of utmost importance to set a solid and ambitious target for 2030, accompanied by the most appropriate measures and instruments.

As this approach will be even more relevant in today’s context, we made the following recommendations:

  • The 2030 Climate Target Plan should ensure the Green Deal is a real engine for growth. Support schemes should focus on measures that contribute to developing green and economically sustainable activities, generate local employment and are the most efficient in terms of public funds allocation.
  • Energy Efficiency First must remain the guiding principle to reach the new 2030 target. It should therefore be precisely defined, modeled and streamlined in all EU policies contributing to CO2 abatement.
  • Energy efficiency services (EES) offer a sound answer to climate change. Solutions like Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs) secure the energy savings on which investments are decided through a contractual performance commitment, backed by proactive energy management.

EES and EPCs should be prioritised (in both industry and buildings) and renovation strategies should consider a staged process. Furthermore, EES create solid value chains and highly qualified local jobs. A positive regulatory environment should thus be created and secured, to make energy efficiency projects more attractive.

Full consideration of circular economy solutions should also be ensured, specifically by making the best use of the untapped potential of waste heat. In this regard, district energy networks are already an ideal vector for both aggregating energy demand and reducing emissions.

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